"Where in the hospital is this?"

About: Perth Royal Infirmary / General Outpatients Department

(as a service user),

The issue I’m raising is not really a “story” and doesn’t relate directly to care in any department, although I have been an outpatient of several – see below. My issue is really directed to hospital (or maybe NHS Tayside) administration. This seemed to be the best way to raise it.

Could there please be a layout map of PRI included on the hospital website so that patients can see in advance of a visit, where they should go.

For the third time I have been unable to locate a department in advance. On each occasion I have been looking for a different department and have searched in vain for a suitable layout map. On receiving a first appointment at PRI, in our case invariably accompanied by a parking permit, my immediate question is – “Where in the hospital is this?”

I think there are three floors with some wards behind them and some departments are located separately, down or uphill from the main block. Of course you can ask for directions once inside the main building, but it would be better to know in advance where to go. It seems to me that a map showing the locations of departments would be the best way to resolve this and possibly one exists already, but if so it doesn’t appear to be on the website.

Over time I have attended Physiotherapy, Audiology, Orthopaedic, X-ray, Haematology, Dermatology and Colonoscopy, as well as visiting a patent in the Palliative care ward. Possibly I now know where all the departments are.

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Response from Leah Hicks, Senior Charge Nurse, PRI General Outpatient Department, NHS Tayside 2 months ago
Leah Hicks
Senior Charge Nurse, PRI General Outpatient Department,
NHS Tayside
Submitted on 30/09/2024 at 12:28
Published on Care Opinion at 12:28

picture of Leah Hicks


Thanks for your message. I work in the general outpatient department, so I took a look at the NHS Tayside Perth Royal Infirmary website and on the main page I found a link to the "Site map" here:


Map Link: https://www.nhstaysidecdn.scot.nhs.uk/NHSTaysideWeb/idcplg?IdcService=GET_SECURE_FILE&Rendition=web&RevisionSelectionMethod=LatestReleased&noSaveAs=1&dDocName=prod_230745

When you click on this link to the map, I think the map is quite detailed and would be too small if printed in A4 and added to your letter... also may be too costly to do with every single letter which goes out. I have however, forwarded your feedback to the Admin team for them to consider. In the meantime, I hope the link I provided was of some help and thanks for taking the time to send us this feedback.

SCN Leah Hicks

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Response from Leah Hicks, Senior Charge Nurse, PRI General Outpatient Department, NHS Tayside 2 months ago
We are preparing to make a change
Leah Hicks
Senior Charge Nurse, PRI General Outpatient Department,
NHS Tayside
Submitted on 30/09/2024 at 14:19
Published on Care Opinion at 14:19

picture of Leah Hicks

Further to my previous respoinse. I have heard back from the admin team:

"Hi Leah,
Thank you for sending this on. When we move to patient hub, for patients who receive appointment letters digitally, we will have the ability to also include a digital map

Admin team"

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
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