"They did not think of their patient's wellbeing"

About: Acquired Brain Injury / Brodie Ward

(as a parent/guardian),

I wish I could have included a photo of red chair, then everything below would been self-explanatory.

Cornhill Reception transferred me to Brodie ward, the nurse who answered said they were not having this conversation. I asked them why they were shouting, my sister heard them from the other side of the room.

The message I was trying to convey was, I had traced the delivery to reception.

11 days earlier a courier had delivered 2 boxes to reception totalling £600. Only 1 box had been delivered to Brodie Ward. I sent an email to Brodie to advise of the above, I received a return email saying the nurse felt the conversation was becoming fraught and that the matter that was being discussed was not going to be settled amicably, and they reminded me of NHS Zero Tolerance Policy.

The £300 box was found at reception 21 days after delivery, the confusion was on the first order Medium I used my card, on the second Large I used the patient’s new card and unfortunately I had not paid attention at checkout to the name.

My Fault. I thank everyone once again for their patience.

In the same email they ask that you try to engage with staff. I had been engaging, especially over the last 4-6 weeks as I had been asked for money, clothes and hairdryer.

I replied that your team has been interacting with me regarding the Red Chair held together with black tape, they say it is a disgrace that it is taking so long. That when the patient moves he is sticking to the chair, and some of your team are fed up having to constantly hold the chair together with Gaffa Tape.

I asked when they were going to engage with me and tell me the patient had been measured for a new chair.

I asked if the Red Chair was meeting the patient's current needs and if it would pass Health and Safety.

The Quote for a New Chair was sent was sent to the Physio /OT dept. Two months later, the Chair manufacturer resent the Quote to OT Dept who then sent it to Brodie. I received the quote for new chair. I ordered the chair after confirming they would honour the price as the Quote was 48 days out of date, 78 days after received by Physio Dept.

I emailed Dr and SSN to ask as the chair takes 4/5 weeks to be made & delivered would they pay £225 for the chair to be fast tracked for the comfort of their patient and staff? Fast track would take 2/3 weeks.

Budget holder could not release funds for fast track. I asked if they had let the budget holder see the photo of the chair and if they have explained the situation.

I emailed Brodie asking again if they would pay to fast track the chair, with the removal of the red chair the patient was now distressed and the nurses were now under unnecessary pressure.

My sister had to cut short her visit as the patient was so distressed and was also distressed on my visit. I asked 2 nurses separately if they thought it was due to the chair being removed.

One said yes, the other said patient had been suffering from UTI, but then conceded with a yes. I thank both of them for admitting it.

Talked with patient saying new chair was on its way.

Brodie replied: no to the fast track. It was explained that patient had UTI a fortnight ago and after a course of antibiotics has been comfortable, and no longer distressed. The OT department made the decision not to use the chair due to the disrepair on the arms and continue to assess him weekly, and to please be assured that they have the patient's best interests in mind.

I advised Brodie ward their patient's chair is arriving. I do not understand why a team of human beings who are responsible for a patient's care and knowing the chair was not fit for purpose would not think of their patient’s wellbeing, then remove the chair, to the distress and discomfort of their patient before the new chair was on site.

Once again, they did not think of their patient's wellbeing.

I hope after all this, their patient at least gets an apology.

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