"receiving help from gym staff."

About: Rampton Hospital / National High Secure Deaf Service

(as the patient),

I am based on grampian deaf services ward. when i attend gym ( the spinning class ) staff who work in the gym work hard to make my time in the gym as comfortable as possible by learning sign language, i feel the gym in rampton is getting more deaf aware/ deaf friendly. they help me on a regular basis.

my thanks to the gym staff.
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Response from Mark Atkinson, TES Team Leader, Rampton Hospital, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHs Foundation Trust 2 months ago
Mark Atkinson
TES Team Leader, Rampton Hospital,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHs Foundation Trust
Submitted on 09/10/2024 at 21:24
Published on Care Opinion on 10/10/2024 at 09:16

Thank you for taking the time to give us this fantastic feedback. It gives us great pleasure to read such positive comments. I will ensure that this is passed on to all the staff who facilitate these sessions.

As a team we strive to make the department fully inclusive and our aim is to ensure all that attend have an enjoyable and fully engaging session.

Once again thank you for taking the time to post your opinion, any feedback we receive is crucial for us to continue to develop the service.


Health and Fitness Team Leader

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