"Aftercare Information Sheets"

About: Glasgow Dental Hospital and School / Dental

(as a service user),

Recently had an impacted wisdom tooth removed which was difficult but the team at the Glasgow Dental hospital were fantastic.  Bleeding was a bit problematic during the procedure and I was given lots of information on what to expect in the recovery period and what to do if bleeding restarted. 

What was missing in the aftercare information was how to spot signs of infection.  By this time it was well into the weekend.  I thought the bad taste was maybe just old blood and the wound clotting.  Turns out it was start of an infection.  A few lines to the information sheet to say if you start to taste a metallic, salty taste this is a sign of infection and to contact your dentist or nhs24 as you’ll need antibiotics.

Had I recognised the symptoms earlier my treatment would have been earlier and aided my recovery time.  Which was already a difficult experience.  Overall all staff were brilliant and definitely cared.  Just a few extra lines of information in the aftercare sheet would have made all the difference to my story.

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Response from Fiona Mackenzie, DCP Manager, Glasgow Dental Hospital, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 2 months ago
We are preparing to make a change
Fiona Mackenzie
DCP Manager, Glasgow Dental Hospital,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 18/10/2024 at 16:18
Published on Care Opinion at 16:19

Dear Recovering48,

I am very pleased to respond to you very helpful feedback following your recent surgical extraction. I do hope that you are now feeling more comfortable given your post-operative infection.

There are a number of factors to be considered when supporting patients with their aftercare. All of our patients receive written advice in addition to information provided verbally by clinical staff following a procedure of this kind. However, as you rightly point out this written information does not include specific advice on recognising and managing signs of infection. Our Oral Surgery team have agreed to take steps to review and update our existing patient aftercare document to reflect this information.

We are thankful for your honest review and very grateful that you have brought this to our attention.

Very best wishes,


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful

Update posted by Recovering48 (a service user)

Thank you so much for your review and I’m well on my way to a full recovery. Thanks to all the team.

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