"DrDoctor system"

About: Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital (Wonford) / Outpatients

(as a service user),

This is feedback to the Royal Devon hospitals on a system they've started using called DrDoctor for, in this case, texting links to patients to ask if you still need to be on a waiting list or not. This would be fine except the web page you get sent to doesn't tell you which department's waiting list it's for - so if like me you're on three different waiting lists, how are you supposed to answer their question accurately? I've contacted DrDoctor but they said it's down to the hospitals to fix this issue - I tried to contact the hospitals but was directed to your service to register this complaint with the system, so here I am doing that. In the last month I've received two of these text messages, and nowhere in the text nor the web page the texted link takes you to does it say which department's waiting list it concerns.

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Response from Tom Roberts, Head of Outpatients (Eastern Services), Outpatients (Eastern Services), Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 4 months ago
We have made a change
Tom Roberts
Head of Outpatients (Eastern Services), Outpatients (Eastern Services),
Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 21/10/2024 at 10:05
Published on Care Opinion at 10:10


Thank you for your feedback about the DrDoctor system, and apologies that it has not been a satisfactory experience. We have had similar feedback raised before about the issue when patients are on multiple waiting lists in different departments, and we have been working on a solution which should be in place in November so that the department information will be part of the message. As such, you shouldn't have this experience in the future.

Thank you again for submitting this feedback.

Tom Roberts

Head of Outpatients, Eastern Services

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