"Rehab after triple bypass surgery"

About: Community Services (Adult Physical Health) / Cardiac Rehabilitation Physiotherapy

(as a service user),

I was referred after triple bypass surgery to check my exercise ability in a controlled environment. I felt really good and that those dealing with me genuinely cared about me and how my recovery was going. It was also good to know that I was able to exercise and be sure that I wasn’t doing anything wrong or too much.

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Response from Anna Cusack, Physiotherapist, Cardiac Rehabilitation, RDASH NHS 2 months ago
Anna Cusack
Physiotherapist, Cardiac Rehabilitation,

Team Lead for Cardiac Rehabilitation

Submitted on 06/11/2024 at 09:40
Published on Care Opinion at 10:15

Thank you for your feedback, it sounds like you have made a great recovery so far and I am so pleased that you felt so cared for and supported by our team, particularly around exercise which can be a scary thing to start after a major cardiac event.

I will pass on your lovely words to the rest of the team and wish you well on your ongoing recovery!

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