"How good DRC staff are"

About: Rampton Hospital

(as a service user),

They always try and get me up. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't get up because of staffing sometimes. They are all so supportive and kind. The only time they can't help is when they get pulled onto wards because of low staffing. Which is such a shame because they cant do their own jobs and helping to keep us busy with activities. 

I'd also like to say thank you to the ruby staff as they are very supportive and very caring. It frustrates them as much as it frustrates me that i can't get up. They can't even come to talk to me because of staffing. It doesn't feel theraputic, it makes me feel forgotten. I spend all my time in my room, what kind of life is this. How can I get better if i'm not able to show how well i am doing. We need more staff. Staff need to be left alone in their own areas too. 

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