"Attending a scan"

About: NHS Western Isles / Radiography

(as a relative),

My mother recently attended Western Isles hospital for a scan.  She has had a similar scan previously and was a bit apprehensive,  However, on this occasion, her sonographer Kerry really helped her through the process.  She was kind and supportive and spoke to her throughout the scan, explained what she was doing at each stage and made sure that she was ok and understood what was happening to her. 

She came away feeling like the whole experience was as good as it could have been, and that was mainly down to the way that Kerry made her feel.  

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Response from Radiography Manager, NHS Western Isles 5 days ago
Submitted on 18/11/2024 at 14:38
Published on Care Opinion at 14:39

Thank you for submitting feedback - it is wonderful to know that you've made a difference!

It has made my day too!

Kerry, Sonographer, Radiology, NHS Western Isles

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