My Daughter has been attending the paediatric allergy clinic in Altnagelvin for a number of years due to chronic urticaria and more recently for idiopathic anaphylaxis. The Allergy Nurse Specialist Michaela is the kindest person I have ever had the good fortune to meet. Michaela will always provide reassurance and tweak the treatment plan when required. Michaela is a very gentle person who was clearly meant to be a Nurse, and encompasses all the core values you would expect in a Nurse.
Dr. McCord the paediatric allergy consultant, is a funny charismatic man, who listens to the children and parents, he is both practical and compassionate.
Both Michaela and Dr. McCord arranged an emergency appointment for my daughter today after an anaphylaxis reaction last week, they spent time with her (even though the clinic was finished). They gave her the opportunity to administer her EpiPen to ease all her fears and take ownership over her own health. My daughter is a young teenager and at that awkward age, but you both encouraged her and then celebrated her when she gave herself the injection. She has phoned every single Aunt and Uncle, her Grannies and Granda, to tell them she "stabbed" herself with her EpiPen! She is so proud of herself. The last week and a half have been very hard on her, and she left your office with the biggest smile and a real sense of achievement today. Thank you both, we are very lucky to have you looking after our Daughter.
"My Daughter's management of anaphylaxis"
About: Altnagelvin Area Hospital / Paediatrics Altnagelvin Area Hospital Paediatrics Londonderry BT47 6SB
Posted by jazzcb37 (as ),
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