My son who who is in his 20's and suffers from severe autism, severe learning difficulties and epilepsy. ( His mental capacity is about 15 months and he is over 6ft tall) He had to have an ingrowing toe nail removed. This had to be managed as if it was a military exercise! We had to have a 'Special interests' meeting and I asked if the LD liaison nurse, Sam could come and support me, to make sure 'reasonable adjustments' were made for his operation to actually happen.
Sam was wonderful and went out of her way to support both me and my son. After the special interests meeting, Sam walked me around the hospital and I highlighted to her all the problem points, which would stop the operation from happening, such as the coffee shop and hospital shop ( being restricted from food prior to the operation, he is an opportunist thief and would have made a smash and grab attempt to get himself some food.)
Sam said she would arrange to meet carers at the disabled parking space and bring my son into the hospital via the side entrance to avoid the shop. She showed me a side room and I said the sink would need covering, or my son would drink from the taps and that all the posters would need to be removed as he would pull them down.
( Sam did that just prior to admission.) She also talked to Ward staff to ask that any food should be out of site for his arrival. She also discussed additional medication my son would need to allow him to be transported to theatre, she alerted staff to the fact he would not wear a gown, that some medical admission tests couldn't be done and to always speak to him via his carers, as they know how to explain things to him, due to his limited verbal understanding.
Prior to the operation, Sam visited my son in his care setting and spend time getting to know him and planning arrangements with his support staff. She arranged for his carers to stay with him until he was asleep. ( I was near to hand if needed, but I knew if he saw Mum, he would become unsettled and want to go home with me) However, Sam kept me informed every step of the way as to what was happening, as it took rather a long time to settle my son to enable him to be transported to theatre. Once the operation had taken place. Sam supported us all ( his Dad and I had to become involved, as my son was VERY upset, frightened and anxious) but Sam supported us throughout, ( even running to get us spare socks as my son ripped his dressing straight off, and we needed something clean next to the wound.) She also arranged for a quick discharge to enable my son to go back to his familiar surroundings.
Due to prior work commitments, I was unable to attend the follow-up out patients appointment. Sam went in my place armed with all the information I had given her that was needed for Mr Pereira and then emailed me to tell me how it all went. Sam was beyond amazing and without her many interventions, the operation would not have taken place. I also have to say Mr Pereira was brilliant, in the way he accommodated my son's needs and went out of his way to work with both Sam and I to make it all work.
High Praise indeed to him. He also saw to it that a wonderful anaesthetist Jamie? Should be present .Jamie rang me and we discussed the best way be put my son to sleep, as he wouldn't tolerate a canular when awake. He was extremely caring and went out of his way to accommodate my sons needs. He was allowed to recover in theatre, rather than in a recovery ward.
( Past experience had proved that to be disastrous!) Ward staff too, were amazing and coped well with the huge disruption my son caused. I honestly couldn't have asked for more and many thanks to all involved but especially Sam!
"High praise for going above and beyond"
About: Specialist Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Services / Learning Disability Acute Liaison - Worcestershire Specialist Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Services Learning Disability Acute Liaison - Worcestershire WR5 1JR
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