I had 3 wisdom teeth out under General Anaesthetic with anaesthetist Dr Green and surgeons Gabriele and Chelsey. The care and consideration could not have been any better from the team including the nurses Helen, Becky and Amelia and starting, with such a lovely receptionist looking for patients in the car park in the cold! The communication from Gabriele and the nurse, Helen, was so clear and supportive.
I was waiting a while for the surgery (4 hours) and they made me feel so comfortable and kept checking on me and the care after the surgery, in recovery, was just brilliant. It's hard coming round from General Anaesthetic and they were amazingly empathetic and supportive.
The anaesthetist, just before surgery, was incredible and reassuring as it can be nerve wracking before going under. He said all the right things and was the essence of calm. My blood pressure dropped during surgery which Dr Green handled and this was explained to me after surgery so I knew why I needed the loo so much as I had a lot of fluids. I can only assume Gabby and Chelsey were amazing but I was unconscious so the proof will be in the pudding once I'm fully recovered. Just wanted to leave the feedback about what an amazing team they are.
My only concern was another patient waiting for their wisdom teeth to be removed, who was in the bed opposite me, became quietly anxious after seeing me come out of surgery. It takes a while to fully recover and they bore witness to that. I think the curtain being drawn would have made it less intense for them. I reassured them, but I think they found it worrying seeing me. So that was my only thought and in hindsight, I should have asked the nurses to shut the curtain to protect them. They had never had GA before. But my own experience couldn't have been improved on.
I was really impressed with the Exmouth Theatre. Really relaxed and less busy than the RD&E. Felt like a private experience in all honesty! The NHS still managing to deliver so well under such pressure. Hats off.
"The care and consideration could not have been any better"
About: Exmouth Community Hospital / Theatre/Day Case Exmouth Community Hospital Theatre/Day Case Exmouth EX8 2JN
Posted by decemberwp35 (as ),
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