"No therapy or treatment - just medication"

About: Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust / Inpatient mental health care

(as a relative),

My mother was admitted to Burnley General Hospital whilst experiencing an acute period of psychosis in February 2013.

Whilst medication stabilised her mood and reduced the psychosis, she received no therapeutic intervention at all during her inpatient treatment, nor upon discharge. This means that the reason that she became ill - high anxiety and stress - has not been addressed at all.

Since her admission, she was occasionally seen by a CMHT nurse and has since stopped taking her medication. She was told that if she experienced any more problems to contact the CMHT and they would be in touch. After not having slept at all for two days and presenting with symptoms that include paranoia and anxiety, she contacted the CMHT to arrange a home visit. It has now been two weeks and she has just been told that the appointment with the nurse has been put back again until mid-January.

I don't blame the under-resourced nurse but I do blame the inability of East Lancs to provide effective mental healthcare and support for my mother. I feel that they won't act until she is at crisis point and being sectioned again.

Let alone the COMPLETE lack of therapeutic intervention - the dingy environment and inappropriate setting at Burnley General was enough to make anyone ill.

If patients with mild to moderate depression can receive CBT via IAPT, I really can't understand why someone who was extremely ill and remains very vulnerable has received no therapy at all.

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Response from Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust 11 years ago
Submitted on 13/01/2014 at 11:02
Published on Care Opinion at 13:33

Many thanks for your posting about the treatment your mother received at Burnley General Hospital and in particular the lack of therapeutic interventions. There are many distressing issues here which we would like to investigate further. Our main priority is to ensure your mother gets access to the right treatment as a matter of urgency before she becomes more unwell.

Please could you contact me via my email address at steven.edwards@lancashirecare.nhs.uk so we can address this immediately. You can also reach me on 01772 676118.

Steven Edwards

Service Experience Manageer

Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust

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