"Long wait for blood tests"

About: Queen Margaret Hospital / Rheumatology

(as the patient),

Had an appointment with the Rheumatology Nurse and for the first time ever I felt that someone was interested in how I was feeling and not ignoring my feelings with regard to possible side effects of my medication.

She explained thoroughly what she was intending to do about a review of my medication. I left the appointment with the promise she would seek further advice and phone me back later that day and true to her word she did and advised someone would get back to arrange bloods to be taken. 

That's when the problems began. To get blood tests at Q.M.in Dunfermline the earliest that would be was the end of March !! Finally agreed to appt in mid March but will have to travel to Whyteman Brae Kirkcaldy for it!

Three weeks wait and a 15 mile  travel for a 5 minute procedure whilst I am having difficulty getting around and having to take painkillers which could affect the quality of my epilepsy treatment and yet a blood test taken previously at my GP surgery was arranged for the following day and results were given back to me in 3 days.

Obviously there is something sadly lacking with the system.

Thanks to the nurse for what was one of the best appointments I have had at Rheumatology for a great number of years but the department's follow up system has left me feeling that the great work was all in vain.

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Response from Lynne Campbell, Lead Nurse, Rheumatology & Sexual Health, NHS Fife yesterday
We are preparing to make a change
Lynne Campbell
Lead Nurse, Rheumatology & Sexual Health,
NHS Fife
Submitted on 10/03/2025 at 16:39
Published on Care Opinion at 16:46

picture of Lynne Campbell

Dear WG301047,

thank you so much for taking the time to leave this feedback following your telephone consultation with our one of our nursing team. I am delighted to hear you felt supported and listened to. I also appreciate the challenges around accessing phlebotomy hubs currently, and we are working hard as a team to resolve this. I understand that this has caused additional travel for you at a time when you feel least able. I am sorry this has been the case.

Please contact me directly if you would like to discuss this further on 0138 623623 ext29238.

Kind regards


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