
About: Raigmore Hospital

(as the patient),

My wife was recently denied, admittedly new, potentially life saving drugs.

We were told there was no money.

I was by someone that they were introducing a IT system.

This annoyed me so I decided to investigate.

Heres what I found:

NHS Highland are installing a new IT system costing £3 million +

NHS Highland are sending patients to private hospitals costing £1 million +

NHS Highland are redeveloping Raigmore costing £milllions (20+ over 5 years)

NHS Highland sent Managers to America to learn how a private healthcare company works. A for profit company. A company run by insurers. To learn a process called LEAN.

NHS Highland has been asked to make savings of 2 million + this year.

NHS Highland need to go back to school. If 4 million has gone out. How do you expect to save 2 million?

Im no Alan Sugar but in my business if I invest I don't expect to save straight away.

I think NHS Highland needs to get a grip. get real. get the drugs their patients need.

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Response from Maimie Thompson, Head of Public Relations and Engagement, Chief Executive's Office, NHS Highland 10 years ago
Maimie Thompson
Head of Public Relations and Engagement, Chief Executive's Office,
NHS Highland
Submitted on 12/02/2014 at 15:30
Published on Care Opinion at 16:14

picture of Maimie Thompson

Dear Bobj76

Thanks for getting in touch. I am really sorry to hear that your wife is not well and she has not been able to start on some new drugs. There can be lots of reasons for this and it is seldom black and white. What I would hope though is that we could look into this for you in a bit more detail. If you drop me an email maimie.thompson@nhs.net I can find out more. I will also try and explain how our funding works. There are always choices to be made and what we can't afford to do is waste precious resources. That is why we are always trying to improve but we have lots more we can do. I do hope you will get back in touch. Thanks for taking the time to get in touch.

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