"Poor experience in early pregnancy at Chase Farm EPU"

About: Chase Farm Hospital

(as the patient),

My wife was six weeks pregnant and had an abnormal stomach ache and went to her GP and was told to goto the nearest hospital which was Chase Farm Hospital (CFH), Enfield. Her GP wanted her to get a scan from the EPU (Early Pregnancy Unit) on the same day because she knew it would be impossible to get the scan next day because it was a saturday. GP wrote a letter to the staff and also rang the hospital about my wife and asked us to go there ASAP.

We went to the EPU of CFH at about 11am on that day. It was our first visit to a hospital and we found out that there are seperate EPU and maternity units for pregnant women. We had to spend about 1/2 hour to find the correct department because the staff in the reception desk didn't exactly know where we needed to go.

At last we went to EPU unit but was told by a staff in that unit that there is no appointment for my wife and she coudn't do it now as they had completed their appointments for the day. I was helpless at that moment because my wife was in severe pain. I felt the staff member was very rude to us. We begged her to do the scan, but she refused and asked us to come on monday for the scan and told us to goto the A&E in an emergency.

We had to goto the A&E and wait for hours for our turn and finally got some medical examination on my wife's condition. It was late afternoon and the nurse told us that they had taken her blood and urine for examination but the EPU staff were off so that she couldn't take her scan.

At the end we had to go home eventhough my wife was in pain because the doctor told us that she couldn't do anything without the scan.

I just don't want to blame anyone but it was a terrible experience for both of us and we were helpless at that time. Our worst experience didn't end there as we had to visit every 48 hours to the hospital and found out my wife lost her pregnancy.

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