I have been in treatment for many many years. I have had my treatment provided by both the NHS and a charity called Swanswell.
About a year ago I decided I would like the opportunity to go to residential rehabilitation.
My drug worker referred me to the local community care grant team (local council) and I was assessed as appropriate for funding. I was then referred for an inpatient detox at the local hospital. I found the whole process very positive and I was looking forward to going to rehab and changing my life for good.
However, within 2 days of being in rehab I was disheartened and demoralised: I hit a brick wall. It wasn't what I'd expected. I expected to do some group work and some one to one therapy but not all day every day and in the evening! I expected to have some free time and some recreational activities to help me to relax. However, there was no structured activities other than the talking therapies. I only stayed for 10 days and then returned home.
Since returning home, I have been re-referred for funding as I still want to successfully complete a 6 month residential rehabilitation but the choice is very limited. I will be visiting a few more rehabs with my worker before making a choice.
I think it would be very helpful to have structured day programmes in place in the community, so people didn't have to go away to residential rehab. I would benefit from attending a venue with structured activities from 8am to 5pm every day. I am sure the cost of this would be cheaper than residential rehab? !
"My drug and alcohol addiction and my recovery journey"
About: Swanswell Loughborough Swanswell Loughborough LE11 3AB http://www.swanswell.org/
Posted by MV (as ),
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