Underwent IVF for 18 years privately funded as NHS did not allow me to qualify despite my paying my taxes & NI for 22 years.
First ever positive result saw me waiting in A&E for 7 hours before even being seen by triage.
I was then kept waiting a further 3 hours on a bed before tests began whilst haemorrhaging. The first nurse went straight in with the needle despite my saying I needed the butterfly method, she didn't retrieve blood. However, she did very in a non-tactical way manage to ask me if I have children already & why I hadn't. All she did was moan about her daughter. EXTREMELY sad to be in this situation let alone her moaning about having a child. I couldn't answer through the tears of physical pain, her insensitivity & my heartbreak.
Another 3 hours, 2 nurses & a doctor later: blood was finally taken by the method I advised would be needed. My husband took photos of the bruises because we believe they were caused unnecessarily.
Whilst waiting for the blood results one of the nurses returned saying that initially the bloods "look ok"....clearly she was unaware of what we were looking for as she had no idea if "ok" meant good hormone levels for a non-pregnant woman or "good" hormone levels for a pregnant woman.
The doctor, however, was an absolute star. Can't praise him enough. He was the one that managed to get the blood, his words were soothing, he made me an appointment at the EPU, he liaised with the doctor-on-call at my infertility clinic.
He even gave me a special permit to waiver the parking fees.
How dare the NHS charge us to pay for parking to use a service that we have already paid for?
"Miscarriage care at Stoke Manderville Hospital"
About: Stoke Mandeville Hospital / Trauma and orthopaedics Stoke Mandeville Hospital Trauma and orthopaedics HP21 8AL
Posted by LandP (as ),
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