"Maternity care in Rotherham"

About: Rotherham Hospital / Maternity care

(as the patient),

I was severely disappointed in rotherham hospital's maternity ward and lost faith in the midwives there.

I had my first child there last year and I knew he was sick, I didn't know how I knew, I just did...They refused to listen to me over and over again and just sent me home.

My son nearly died a few days later, he had septicemia as his bowels were not working, the nerves had not formed completely.

When we were rushed in via ambulance there was a team ready to see him. They took a urine sample by pushing a thick needle straight into his bladder without any pain relief at all.

They sent us up to the children's ward where he was supposed to be on hourly observations. He was hooked up to a machine that was faulty and it kept sending alarm signals out, after a while they seemed to be ignoring it.

After a week they said they were sending me home, that nothing was wrong with my son, who looked so close to death. My partner kicked off and demanded another x-ray. They took the x-ray and the next thing I knew we were being blue-lighted to Sheffield children's hospital to the neonatal intensive care unit.

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