"My life is bright, and I am happy to be alive!"

About: Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

(as a staff member posting for a carer/relative),

Shared on behalf of a carer at Rosewood Involvement Centre:

I've had a fantastic day at the Rosewood Centre today. Today was carers event.

First of all I had a lovely hand massage followed by a super lunch and then two carers told their stories which was inspiring. There was lots of information.

Everyone at Rosewood always makes you feel welcome and your views are listened to.

Rosewood is now my extended family, thank you for helping me during my ups and downs with my mental illness. I never thought I would be happy again, after 2 years suffering a breakdown and depression.

I now feel alive again and I look forward to every day rather than dreading them. I no longer have a bleak outlook, my life is bright and I am happy to be alive!

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Involvement and Experience Lead, Forensic Services, Involvement Team, Nottinghamshire Health care Trust 10 years ago
Submitted on 18/06/2014 at 12:17
Published on Care Opinion at 15:57

Thank you for your posting and I am glad you enkoyed the Carer event at Rosewood which was all about feedback.The different activates on the day worked very well bringing together a sense of community we have had a great deal of feedback about the day which is very important and it is good to see you feel you are listened to.it is also nice to see you feel involvement is helping you during the ups and downs.

Response from Andrea Emmens, Family Interventions Co-ordinator, Adult Mental Health Care Group, Nottingamshire healthcare NHS trust 10 years ago
Andrea Emmens
Family Interventions Co-ordinator, Adult Mental Health Care Group,
Nottingamshire healthcare NHS trust

Provide, promote, facilitate and supervise Family Interventions

Submitted on 19/06/2014 at 11:53
Published on Care Opinion at 12:46

Thank you so much for your feedback on the Carers event, it is really appreciated that you have taken the time to give this.This really helps us to see if we are getting things right and where we can make a change.

I will ensure that the volunteer doing the massage is made aware of your comments and also the carers who shared their stories, which I agree with you were so inspirational. Thank you again.

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