"Psychological Help in Kent"

About: Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust / Adult mental health

(as the patient),

What is KMPT's view on someone who is assessed by IAPT services as needing at least one years psychotherapy which IAPT services cannot provide while the same person is rejected by KMPT for such psychological help? Where in the NHS does this person get any help? KMPT please respond if you can and even if you cannot.

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Response from Nicholas Dent, PET Manager, Patient Experience Team, Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust 10 years ago
Nicholas Dent
PET Manager, Patient Experience Team,
Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
Submitted on 17/09/2014 at 10:13
Published on Care Opinion at 12:20

Thanks you for highlighting this issue as we are aware that some people may be left out within current service provision however KMPT are commissioned by local clinical commissioning groups (CCG’s) to assess and treat patients who present with severe and persistent mental disorders who are assessed as at serious risk of self harm or of serious harm to others. Patients with a severe and complex disorder who also present with psychological need are referred to their local adult mental health secondary care psychological service for a specialist psychological assessment \ intervention. Treatment lengths for psychological interventions vary considerably but are based on current NICE Guidance and available evidence based practice and can range from 16 sessions to 52 sessions. In summary, KMPT only offer psychological interventions to those patients who meet commissioned secondary care eligibility criteria and will not take on patients who present with common mental health problems who are typically seen in local primary care IAPT services. That said, occasionally this does produce gaps in care and service provision but is an interface issue that needs addressing with local commissioners. I hope this response helps you consider where you can highlight this concern.

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful

Update posted by JAMES19 (the patient)

Thank you for your above response. You are correct in saying that gaps in care occur but this is far more frequent than you suggest and reported as such to me by KCA (IAPT), low cost counselling organizations and charities. This has been and still is a very dangerous situation for some patients who fall through the gap between primary and secondary mental health services as I have done. I have been extremely bitter and angry about this for some time now. With KMPT I feel I have been rejected, abandoned, falsely accused and ignored entirely. You cannot blame me for this when my mental health fluctuates between moderate and severe and the only relief KMPT have managed to give me is a certain drug which is dangerous for anyone to take.

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