I had a TVT-O fitted in 2011, I told the consultant who fitted it that I could not fully urinate after the catheter came out, I recall them looking uneasy then telling me it was just because of surgery as I had a full hysterectomy at same time.
I then went onto suffer horrifically for 16 months with an obstructed bladder, this was only discovered when I eventually booked a private consultation with another consultant, who then went on to cut the tape allowing me to urinate.
I had no more than 2 hours sleep at any one time over that 16 months, which left me feeling exhausted and suicidal.
I also lost my job, which I loved very much and for which I studied at college & university for many years to work in my chosen profession.
Since then I have had nothing but problems regarding the mesh, I can't walk for far & use a wheelchair if I am out. I am in daily pain and still feel there is no one who can help in Scotland.
I am part of the Scottish Mesh Survivors and now know why the original consultant looked uncomfortable when I told him I could not urinate, I believe they should have taken me back to surgery to see, but they let me go home to a life of suffering and this I find completely unacceptable.
My trust in the NHS is now very low, between how they treated me and in light that mesh is still being inserted into women (even though the suspension of mesh was introduced by Alex Neil in June of this year) is abominable. As Dr Frances Elliot's (Deputy Chief Medical Officer) letter dated 16 July 2014, encouraging all health boards in NHS Scotland to facilitate recruitment to clinical trials in this field. Myself and all other mesh injured victims are the proof that these mesh implants are dangerous.
Feeling very let down by the NHS.
"Mesh implants"
About: Gartnavel Royal Hospital Gartnavel Royal Hospital Glasgow G12 0XH Southern General Hospital / Gynaecology Southern General Hospital Gynaecology G51 4TF
Posted by Scottish Mesh Survivor (as ),
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