"Fantastic care"

About: NHS Highland (Health)

(as the patient),

I was recently admitted to Raigmore Hospital and felt I must praise the staff in both the Gp practice, medical receiving unit and ward 11. Having been unwell for 10 weeks I was admitted by my Gp practice to raigmore with chest pain. This turned out to be the result of a self limiting illness, albeit a long well. I felt I need to comment on the high standard of care, food and cleanliness. It is all to easy too focus on a negative apsect in the situation. However given that I have a little understanding of the background processes that goes on to deliver care I needed to compliment the care and staff involved through my period of care. Staff are working in difficult situations to get a balance between delivering care and meeting targets. Sometimes the target because the main focus. However staff in raigmore were exceptional. Having worked in hospitals I have never seen so much attention made to cleanliness and keeping infections at bay. People often complain about the food but hey three meals a day which are healthy and nutritional does not warrant complaints. Staff are working in stressful situations but the. Patient care I observed was neither complacent of below standard. Thank you so much for my care

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Response from Maimie Thompson, Head of Public Relations and Engagement, Chief Executive's Office, NHS Highland 10 years ago
Maimie Thompson
Head of Public Relations and Engagement, Chief Executive's Office,
NHS Highland
Submitted on 07/12/2014 at 17:48
Published on Care Opinion at 18:41

picture of Maimie Thompson

Dear Little Miss Moffat

"High standard of care, food and cleanliness" is what we are striving for every patient, every time, and in your case matched by excellent care by your GP Practice, equally critical. Sounds like you have had quite a time of things and I do hope your feeling very much better. As you clearly know good care requires all our staff to work together; domestics, catering, porters, nurses and docs to name but a few. I will pass your comments onto the hospital's interim director of nursing - Iona McGauran.

Iona is leading on some work to test out open visiting hours in Raigmore - how would that have been for you?

Thanks again

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