"Become a patient using wheelchair and crutches then make changes that will really benefit everyone "

About: Northern General Hospital / Trauma and orthopaedics

(as the patient),

Two years ago I had a hip replacement at the Northern General Sheffield. and I wrote about the nurse getting soaked while helping us patients shower. I was pleased to hear when I arrived on the ward after my second hip replacement that there was a new shower room. I was so disappointed once I was in there. It looked lovely and clean, which it was but the cubicle was just a normal small size with a seat. I found it extreamely difficult to get into as it had a high step and not enough grab rails for suport, I managed to wash my hair, great but as I tried to step out I reealised the curtain hadn't stopped the water flooding the floor. So I realised I'd need to sit on the chair at the side. unfortunately it was an ordinary stacking chair, No arm rests to ease hip patients down and much too low.. I had to call for assistance. I couldn't understand why there wasn't a sink hole in the floor? I think a wet room here would have been better. I suggest a raised toilet stand for the spare chair, right hight,, sturdy with arms to help stand and sit I think every bed should have a fan, its hot stuck in bed all the time..
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Response from Patient Opinion 15 years ago
Submitted on 03/08/2009 at 16:07
Published on Care Opinion at 01:00

Hi christine v, Thank you for sharing your experiences with Patient Opinion. It's great when people come back to the site to let us know how things have (or haven't) changed when they revisit a hospital. Patient Opinion have worked with the Sheffield Local Involvement Network (LINk) to contact Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, in order to get a response to the concerns you have expressed again about the showers on your ward at the Northern General hospital. Sheffield LINk worked with the hospital, who have provided this response to your opinion: We acknowledge that the showers on the Huntsman wards could be further improved and we do have plans to convert the showers to “wet rooms”. Over the last couple of years we have been upgrading the Brearley and Huntsman wards. Huntsman 6 and 7 have been upgraded, and this has included changing traditional showers and bathrooms to wet rooms. This programme is continuing and this year the Trust will complete 3 full ward upgrades - Brearley 4, Firth 2 and L2. The provisional date for further improvements to Huntsman wards is next year. Thanks again for sharing your story. We are always interested to hear if planned changes from trusts are happening, or have been implemented. The Patient Opinion team
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