Two years ago I had a hip replacement at the Northern General Sheffield. and I wrote about the nurse getting soaked while helping us patients shower. I was pleased to hear when I arrived on the ward after my second hip replacement that there was a new shower room. I was so disappointed once I was in there. It looked lovely and clean, which it was but the cubicle was just a normal small size with a seat. I found it extreamely difficult to get into as it had a high step and not enough grab rails for suport, I managed to wash my hair, great but as I tried to step out I reealised the curtain hadn't stopped the water flooding the floor. So I realised I'd need to sit on the chair at the side. unfortunately it was an ordinary stacking chair, No arm rests to ease hip patients down and much too low.. I had to call for assistance. I couldn't understand why there wasn't a sink hole in the floor? I think a wet room here would have been better. I suggest a raised toilet stand for the spare chair, right hight,, sturdy with arms to help stand and sit I think every bed should have a fan, its hot stuck in bed all the time..
"Become a patient using wheelchair and crutches then make changes that will really benefit everyone "
About: Northern General Hospital / Trauma and orthopaedics Northern General Hospital Trauma and orthopaedics S5 7AU
Posted by christine v (as ),
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