"Rotherham District - B2 - Unclean facilities "

About: Rotherham Hospital

(as the patient),

The toilet and wash facilities in area B2 of the hospital were very poor. The bath and shower rooms are full of commodes, it makes it difficult to get in and out properly especially with a drip stand. The cleanliness in the area was poor. Toilets were often blocked or dirty, and the bath was also dirty. On a few occasions the toilet door was open slightly but when opened there was someone on the toilet that the nurse had took. I appreciate that they can't lock the door if it is a patient that needs nurse assistance but maybe a sign for the outside. I felt very sorry for the people I walked in on.

The food could have been better. Who wants chilli con carne or meat and potato pie when they are ill? I think more choice of snacks such as packs of biscuits, cereal bars, fruit, crisps etc. There must be some food going to waste as I didn’t see anymore on our ward, I hardly at anything.

I was a bit angry when the woman opposite me who had learning difficulties and physical difficulties regularly required changing both for vomiting and being incontinent, on most occasions it was one of the patients on our ward that had to alert staff to her needing changing. I think for her own dignity patients that require special care should be isolated or on another ward with similar patients. It is not very pleasant for other patients either, I know they felt the same as I did.

The nursing and care staff were wonderful. They work really hard and are always friendly and cheerful. I would like to thank them on B2 as they work really hard.

I didn't really feel that the doctors explained to me enough about my illness and about my recovery. I found out much more from my own G.P after I had left hospital. He explained what the tests and treatment I had, what they were for and what the results meant and also told me more about my recovery, how long it would take and some of the symptoms I would have. Maybe because pneumonia isn't a serous illness the doctors didn't feel they needed to go into detail, but it was important to me to know what was happening and how I recover.

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Response from Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust 17 years ago
Submitted on 08/05/2007 at 17:41

Thank you for taking the time to comment on the service you received from Rotherham Hospital. I'm sorry you thought the toilet and washing facilities were unacceptable. The results from the checks we undertake internally, and the ones that are undertaken by external accessors are consistently good, and the facilities are shown to be clean. However, we take all the comments we received from patients and visitors very seriously and have asked the ward to review those facilities and the areas surrounding. Equally we have always received good results from the food we provide. This years national score for our food was "excellent" which it has been for the last three years. Our Dieticians work with the food department to ensure it provides a particular nuitrititional content. We also have an external acccessor who scores the food for taste, presentation, temperature on an annual basis and we regularly score well over 90%. However again, we take on board the comments.

It may be appropriate for people who are vomitting and are incontinent to be cared for in a separate area, but it is not acceptable to separate those people just because they have a learning disability. People with learning disabilities deserve the same level of care as any other member of the public, and should be integrated where possible into mainstream care. Regrettably we have a limited amount of single occupancy rooms and we try to keep those for patients who have infections and who have to be "barrier nursed", to prevent the spread of infections.

It is good to hear our nursing staff were effective in their care, but again we will take on board the comments made about our medical staff and their explanations of your illness. We do wonder however if you were actually cared for on B2, as B2 is a surgical ward and doesnt usually care for people with pneumonia.

Many thanks again for taking the time to comment. We value your thoughts

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