If anyone thinking of, or is currently attempting to navigate the complaints process through the Barking Dagenham and Redbridge Hospitals trust, please continue your complaint until you are satisfied that the trust has responded to your complaint in a satisfactory way.
I am currently in the process of persuing a complaint regarding the death of my elderly father in the Ocean B ward in April 2008.
Throughout the process I have been met with time wasting, in some cases several months deley in replying to a question, the initial meeting with the Sister / Doctor and a mediator from the trust took over 4 months to set up, and to be honest it was a waste of time.
In my opinion their responses to my complaint have been weak at best and in the other extreem could probably be described as lies.
My complaint is now with the Parliamentry Health Onbudsman, and I am hoping that these people will hold the Trust to account and investigate the complaint thoroughly by cutting through the constant ostructions and medical jargon that you will also find yourself faced with. if you are in the process of complaining about poor treatment of a friend or relative that had the misfortune to spend some time in the Queen's Hospital Romford please be persistant and don't take their mealy mouthed responses.
In my opinion if you are elderly and have the misfortune to go into Queen's hospital you are likely to find the experience pretty unsatisfactory.
"Queen's Hospital complaints process"
About: Queen's Hospital (Romford) Queen's Hospital (Romford) Romford RM7 0AG
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