"Delivery suite were amazing!"

About: Royal Cornwall Hospital (Treliske)

I had my baby girl just over 3 weeks ago. I had to be induced at term due to increased fluid and she was estimated to be a big baby, they weren't wrong. Due to an increase in patients and not enough staff my induction was delayed but when my waters broke there was no hesitation in getting me straight to delivery. The two midwives I had during my labour were incredible. They didn't stop for a break and were constantly ensuring myself and the baby were ok. As soon as I had any complications, and I had a few, they were so quick to react and put my mind at ease. They weren't afraid to get second opinions, everyone worked very well as a team and even though they were stretched so thin my care was never less than 100%. I had strong opinions about not having forceps and when the time came and I wasn't really with it the midwife fought for me and made sure my wishes were respected. I can't tell you how much this meant to me. After the birth I was helped to shower and to look after my baby. I wasn't kicked off the ward or made to feel like I was taking up room as I had to stay there some time due to blood loss and a lack of beds on the other ward. I really can't thank my incredible midwives enough. Coming from someone who hadn't had the best pregnancy they really reassured me and made the whole labour as comfortable and stress free as possible. You are all amazing! It's distgusting that the whole maternity department are put under such pressure due to money and staff shortages. They do an incredible job under insane pressure and are not always shown the gratitude they derserve.

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