"Lack of care for mental health"

About: NHS Lanarkshire

(as the patient),

Having recently moved to the area I had endless problems trying to get registered with a surgery - despite needing medication. No surgery I contacted found the issue serious in the slightest.

Having finally been allocated a GP I thought my problems might end. First time visiting a GP in the area and they switch my medication to an 'alternative brand'. Although I explained that I am in no way comfortable changing the medication nobody cared - this was after seeing two doctors.

The first doctor didn't even inform me it was a different type I was being given. When I explained that in my previous area I was given regular ECGs she told me that they didn't have them in the area so I couldn't have them. I have put in a lot of work with other doctors in the last year and a half only for this new surgery to care so little that my concerns aren't even taken on board.

I also explained that considering my previous mental health history I didn't feel it was worth the slight possibility of my health going downhill on 'an alternative brand' of medication - I was told to 'see how it goes'.

This isn't the kind of professionalism I expect from a GP. I am extremely disappointed that my mental health isn't taken seriously at all and I'm told to 'see how it goes' which could ultimately lead to serious issues which I've had in the past. It wouldn't take much for this service to improve in honesty.

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Response from Laura Jack, Service Manager, Specialist Children's Health Services Unit (SCSHU) inc. Paediatric & CAMHS, NHS Lanarkshire 9 years ago
Laura Jack
Service Manager, Specialist Children's Health Services Unit (SCSHU) inc. Paediatric & CAMHS,
NHS Lanarkshire
Submitted on 20/05/2015 at 10:52
Published on Care Opinion at 13:59

picture of Laura Jack

Dear pr0spect,

Firstly, I’m sorry to hear of the difficulties you experienced finding a Surgery to register with, that must have been an anxious time for you.

Whilst I am unable to comment on your ongoing treatment I would urge you to discuss your concerns with your GP. If you remain unhappy with your treatment having been reviewed by your GP, the Practice Manager can advise you on the next steps, or you can seek advice from the Patient Advice and Support Service (www.cas.org.uk/patientadvice)

You may also find some useful help and support via the Elament website which is Lanarkshire's first stop for online mental health and wellbeing information for people seeking assistance with mental health problems. www.elament.org.uk

I hope you are able to reach the outcome you are looking for.

Best wishes


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