"Inpatient stay in Ninewells"
About: Ninewells Hospital / Acute Medical Unit (AMU)
Who has Care Opinion told about this story?
NHS Education for Scotland 6 told 1 read -
NHS National Services Scotland 1 told -
NHS Tayside 9 told 8 read responded -
Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust 1 told -
Office of the Chief Inspector, Healthcare Environment Inspectorate 4 told 1 read -
Patient Advice and Support Service 2 told -
Scottish Government 5 told 2 read -
Scottish Health Council 4 told -
Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA) 1 told 1 read -
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) 4 told 2 read -
The ALLIANCE 1 told -
Ucan - Learn.Work.Live 1 told