"7 day stay Ward C6"

About: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust - Queen's Medical Centre Campus

I am a 70 year old emergency trauma patient who had smashed my elbow and broken my shoulder. all through the process i was cared for and supported in a unique situation for me. It was my first general anesthetic and broken bones experience. Most of my expectations were managed, though the staff were very busy they always found time for support and empathy. the only downside was i needed a second operation to clean and close my wound. i was unfortunately on the operating list for three days so the first two days i did not get to drink or eat in those days until til late evening - after cancellation. It was six in the evening on the third day when I eventually had the procedure. i appreciate the operating theaters are for trauma patients and urgent cases take preference but my expectations on that part were not manged well and did eventually stress me particularly as it was a small procedure and had the op been done on the first day i could have gone home two days earlier with a bed being freed up! My main impression is generally how wonderful the staff were exceeding what i thought!

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Response from Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust 9 years ago
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Submitted on 06/08/2015 at 15:14
Published on Care Opinion at 15:23

Dear Richard. Thank you for making contact with us and sharing details of your experience with us.

I am sorry to hear that your operation was cancelled and that this prolonged your stay in hospital. As a trauma patient you were put on what we call a ‘rolling trauma list’. This means that patients can be rolled to the following day should more urgent cases be admitted. I apologise if this was not clearly explained to you to manage your expectations. During your stay we had a high volume urgent patients, which may explain the delays.

While it comes as little consolation, while we do all we can to minimise cancellations, from time to time, very busy emergency lists in our theatres or complications in theatre can impact on our elective (planned) operating lists. I appreciate and recognise the disruption and poor experience our patients have when this regrettably occurs, most especially when patients have been ‘nil by mouth’ and gone without food in anticipation of their operation. We’re sorry that this was your experience. This is something we believe we can improve for our patients and we are looking at how we might do this. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

I note your warm comments about the ward staff – and have shared these with the C6 team.

I hope you are now recovering well at home.

Kind regards,

Caroline Wise.

Matron, MSKN.

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