"I was told I didn't need another x-ray"

About: City Hospital / Accident and emergency Sandwell General Hospital / Accident and emergency

(as the patient),

I had a fall the end of June where I fell down the stairs and hurt my left ankle. I was given a X-ray and sent on my way on crutches with a appointment for fracture clinic a week and half later.

I attended fracture clinic where I was examined and told if the swelling continued or I got any pain I was to return to the A&E department straight away. A week later I was still in pain and had a sharp pain in my calf. I attended A&E again and explained what the fracture clinic had said and could I have it checked out. I sat patently waiting to see someone when I was called in. I was greeted by a physio who asked me a few questions and then asked me to do a few exercises. I explained that my ankle was still painful and also the back of my leg in my calf. She re checked my original X-ray and said that there was nothing broken (which I already knew) she then went away and came back a few minutes later and said had I gone over on my ankle again which I replied no so she said I didn't need another X-ray then and the proceeded to make me an appointment for physio. I was then sent home

The following week I attended the fracture clinic at City hospital where I explained to the Doctor that I had this pain in my calf. I was then sent for a scan on my leg where they found a blood clot. I am now on the medication to disperse the clot for the next 3 months.

My worry is that on my 2nd trip to A&E no doctor/Nurse attempted to come and see me when I complained about the pain in my calf only the physio going away and speaking to who I presume was a Doctor and them telling the physio if I hadn't gone over on it again then I didn't need another X-ray.

I do feel If I had been examined by a medical person doctor or nurse then maybe I would have been sent for the scan earlier. I was made to feel on that day as if I was wasting there time and they couldn't wait to get me out of there.

You go to Hospital for reassurance that everything is ok and you are checked over to get this. I didn't feel I had that on that particular day. The rest of my treatment I have had/having I have no complaints about but that day I do.

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