"Ignored or shouted at in a prison cell.Solitary..."

About: Springfield University Hospital (London)

I was recently discharged from Springfield Hospital. Being incarcerated there was the worst experience of my life.

I understand that depression is an illness.

However, I was treated like a criminal.

The room that I was put into could have been a prison cell.

I was literally locked in. The room only contained a plastic mattress in the floor.

There was an internal window, which I presume was to allow the staff to observe me.

This added to my feelings of being a caged animal.

I was left in wet clothes. (I had been homeless). A female nurse shouted at me, ' Why you keep wetting your clothes'. I tried to explain that it had. been raining and I had been outside. The female nurse insisted that I had intentionally soaked my clothes by leaving them on the floor of the shower.

I pointed out that there was nowhere to hang my clothes while showering. The alternative would have been to walk naked in front of the window. This I would not inflict upon anyone, not even the staff at Springfield hospital. The female nurse eventually took my clothes away to dry them. I was left with a sheet to cover my dignity.

I told a male nurse that I was cold, he gave me a duvet cover, minus the duvet. I was admonished by the female nurse that I did not appear to be grateful for this.

When I asked for some soap and a towel, so that I could have a warm shower to raise my body temperature, themale nurse told me he would get me these items, after he had finished his paperwork. I had to wait for at least an hour. After my shower, the female nurse shouted, 'Why do you wet your hair?'. So I asked for a hair dryer but that request was ignored.

I asked for my toothbrush and toothpaste, which were in that we're in a locker next to where the female nurse was sitting. The female nurse's response was, ' I can't hear you.'

I pleaded with staff to allow me to ring my mother in Leicester. The female nurse pretended the phone would not reach the little hatch.

Eventually she conceded but managed to mis dial four times (Intentionally) She then cut the 'phone call short, saying that she was expecting a call.

I watched through the window. No call was received.

Generally I was either ignored or shouted at.

I resorted to standing in front of the window repeating ' Please don't ignore me.

Please don't ignore me.' To no avail. Maybe the female nurse really could not hear me as her gum chewing was deafening. So, I wrote on loo roll and held it to the window.

I was treated with disdain, cruelty and a lack of dignity.

This experience was not conducive to improving my mental health.

I feel traumatised.

I am having flash backs of my time in Springfield Hospital. I am concerned for other patients whose mental health may not be as resilient as mine.

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Response from Jane Healey, Patient Experience Lead, Governance, South West London and St George's Mental Health Trust 8 years ago
Jane Healey
Patient Experience Lead, Governance,
South West London and St George's Mental Health Trust

I investigate complaints & serious incidents and develop action plans from these to facilitate learning and improvement

Submitted on 29/10/2015 at 08:34
Published on Care Opinion at 11:11

Dear Wet Clothes,

My name is Jane and I am one of the Patient Experience Leads for the Trust. I am very sorry to hear of the unpleasant experience you have described and would like to apologise for the distress this has obviously caused you. I will ensure that your feedback is passed onto the manager of the service concerned.

If you would like this to be investigated further then we can arrange to do so under the Trust formal complaints process. You can make a complaint by email to complaints@swlstg-tr.nhs.uk or by telephone to 0203 513 6150. If you would like help with making a complaint you can contact the NHS Complaints Advocacy organisation on 0300 330 5454. Their email address is nhscomplaints@voiceability.org and their website is www.nhscomplaintsadvocacy.org and they will be able to assist you with any complaint.

Many thanks for sharing your feedback with us and I would like to wish you well in your recovery journey.

Kind regards

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