"Ambulance transport and appointments"

About: Raigmore Hospital / Cardiology Scottish Ambulance Service / Patient Transport Service

Who has Care Opinion told about this story?

  • HUG (Highland Users Group) 2 told
  • Jamie McGrigor's office, MSP for Highlands and Islands 1 told
  • NHS Education for Scotland 5 told
  • NHS Highland 25 told 12 read responded
  • NHS Highland (N) 2 told 1 read
  • NHS National Services Scotland 1 told
  • Office of John Finnie, MSP for Highlands and Islands 1 told
  • Office of Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands 1 told
  • Office of the Chief Inspector, Healthcare Environment Inspectorate 1 told
  • Patient Advice and Support Service 2 told
  • Scottish Ambulance Service 57 told 19 read responded
  • Scottish Government 5 told
  • Scottish Health Council 5 told 1 read
  • Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA) 1 told
  • Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) 2 told
  • The ALLIANCE 1 told