"Social workers & medical staff would send dying woman home"

About: Rotherham Hospital / General medicine Rotherham Hospital / Older people's healthcare

(as a relative),

Further to my concerns on this site about my mother being sent home to an empty house social workers, I can report that my mother died earlier this month.

I don't understand how medical staff & social workers diagnose my mother as medically fit for discharge when all along, our concerns were raised about mum's condition. My 2 brothers and I could see she was in no fit state to be discharged so why couldn't the medical staff and social workers?

I can't name the people involved within this site but unless action is taken on their positions I will name them elswhere on the internet and defend my comments in court if need be. Needless to say I'm livid this has come to this. If it had not been for my 1st comments on this site and these comments being picked up some some sensible people, I believe my dying mother would have been sent home to die. At least she was on morphine when she went and her final hours were peacful. We cannot learn in this world unless we listen to those more experienced than us and a degree in social care means nothing unless it's followed up by listening to others and learning.

To finish off I'd like to say thank you to the nursing staff who showed my mother kindness on the ward but the medical staff who said she was fit for discharge need to look more closely at the devastating situation their decisions can make to a life and indeed need to be able to spot when a person is dying, the family could. Lastly I have to say that I found what I believe to be an element of fear in some of the nursing staff comments to us about the decisions taken by social workers and medical staff. I wonder why that is? Something for the hospial to redress maybe.

I know there are departments within RDGH that do a great job and many lifes are saved and good work is being done so this is not a general critisism on the hospital as a whole. We need this local hospital to work for all, including the elderly, so please work to that end and let's not have this situation arise again, but from my experience I'm not confident this will happen.

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