"AMU & ward 37"

About: Arrowe Park Hospital

20.10.15 I were sent to this hospital by my gp, bare in mind I've never been to a hospital before- I were worried the least to say. All the staff from the reception to porters to nurses to doctors were amazing. Made me feel calm, safe& explained every their move. I would like to thank you all the staff at AMU and ward 37. The things you do for your patience is beyond believe. 12 hours shifts every day but you still keep your smiles on! :)

Thank you so much!!! Alexandra (Sasha). xx

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Response from Arrowe Park Hospital 9 years ago
Arrowe Park Hospital
Submitted on 03/12/2015 at 14:38
Published on nhs.uk on 06/12/2015 at 01:37

Thank you very much for your kind comments. We are proud of how our staff cared for you on the Acute Medical Unit and Ward 37 and delighted to receive your feedback and observations.

Our staff work hard to try to ensure that a patient’s experience whilst at the hospital is as pleasant and comfortable as possible, and they are always considerably heartened and motivated on learning how much their efforts have been appreciated. We have passed your kind sentiments to staff on Ward 37 and the Acute Medical Unit.

If we can be of further assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to contact the Patient Relations Team on freephone 0800 432 0251, email wih-tr.Patientrelations@nhs.net or in writing to Patient Relations Team, Arrowe Park Hospital, Arrowe Park Road, Upton, Wirral, CH49 5PE.

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