"Nottinghamshire county crisis team"

About: Adult Mental Health Community

(as the patient),

I telephoned in crisis and gave my name. The team member said that they would have to phone me back “in a while” as they were in the middle of handover. They did not check whether I was safe. I was phoned back. Unfortunately, the phone call was extremely unhelpful and ended with me feeling very unsafe and humiliated. It began by being told that they had spoken to me several times before and asked unhelpful questions about why I could not move on.  I kept being asked this to the point  I could not answer.

I was then asked what the problem was that evening. I replied that I was having difficulties with memories from the past that I didn't realise existed.  These memories brought a lot of pain.  I had spoken to another member of staff a few days earlier so some details were on record.  I was read out details and then pushed for more details so that I felt pushed when I did not feel ready.  The staff member then suggested that this event was so far in the past it wasn't worth talking about.

The conversation then ended, as they had to take another call. I felt in a deeper crisis than before the conversation and I felt that I had been pushed into disclosing information I wasn't ready to share with a professional I did not have a trusting relationship with. I felt judged and degraded.

I would like to say that I have used the crisis team several times and received really positive support.  It has been a really valuable source of support but this experience has left me disappointed.

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Response from Ruth Gadd, Operational Manager-Mid-Notts and Bassetlaw, Millbrook Mental Health Unit, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 8 years ago
Ruth Gadd
Operational Manager-Mid-Notts and Bassetlaw, Millbrook Mental Health Unit,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 12/04/2016 at 12:50
Published on Care Opinion at 15:42

Dear anon3745,

Thank you for taking the time to post the details of your recent experience with the Nottighamshire county Crisis Team.

I am disappointed to hear that there wasn't a member of staff to take your call and that you had to wait to be called back. Although handovers are important there should be someone dessignated to answer calls as often waiting for a return call can add to the person's distress.

It sounds like the member of staff who called you back didn't explore your distress in a sensitive manner and instead addressed this has being a problem as opposed to how they could best support you, in a what sounds to have been a very distressing experience for you, I can understand how this made you feel worse and as you describe feelings of being judged and degraded.

I am so sorry you had to experience this negative and unhelpful support from the Crisis Team, I can imagine that this was a shock, particularly when you have found the team supportive and useful in the past.

I welcome and value all feedback and will ensure this is discussed with the team involved, with a focus on ways of improving communication, availabilty and approach.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you should wish to discuss this further, or if there is any other way I could be of help, my contact details are below and once again thank you for posting your opinion.

Yours Sincerely



Tel 0115 9691300 ex 12318

mob 07770492588

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