"Thanks to the Well Now service"

About: NHS Highland (Health)

(as a service user),

I struggled to control my diabetes with everyone having a different opinion on what was the correct thing to do to control it. my diabetic nurse suggested I go along to the Well Now Class, I do not really like groups but was desperate enough to give anything a go even if I thought it was going to be a waste of time. I could not have been more wrong the 2 ladies running the group made you feel really welcome, the amount of information I learnt has been amazing, if it had not been for the class I would still be attending my diabetic nurse appointments but I now have control over diabetes and have been discharged from having to see the diabetic nurse, feel 200% better. the whole family have benefited from this and we are all a lot more happier and healthier than we were before the course.

I cannot tell you how much this has helped me and brought my life back together, I have not had to go to the GP with any issues for my sugars since the course, from understanding the things that were taught by the class. The course has given me back my life and without it I am certain I would still attending the doctor and diabetic nurse. I would like to thank the NHS for running this course

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