"I don't know who is right and who is wrong"

About: Bath, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust - Queen's Medical Centre Campus / Ophthalmology Stroud General Hospital / Ophthalmology

(as the patient),

Last February 2015, I saw my GP regarding a brown mark which had appeared on the white of my eye. I was told I had most probably 'poked' myself in the eye during sleep and it would go away.

August 2015, I had my annual eye check at the opticians. The optician found 'cells' in my eye and was concerned. Wrote to the practice requesting a referral to the eye hospital. Attending the appointment, I was diagnosed with 'corneal melanosis PAMS' with surgery expected in a week. The practice called me in for a meeting where I was told they were 'sorry, the condition is very rare and they will ensure doctors are more vigilant in the future'.

Once under the hospital I never heard from them again! Surgery sadly did not take place due to both eyes then becoming infected. In October 15, I then moved to Nottingham and now attend Queens external eye disease clinic.

The consultant has not performed the operation as yet and I live with blurred and double vision, discomfort and uncertainty. I have waited six months for an appointment, despite being told by my consultant that I should 'phone his secretary if things change. ' which they have drastically. I went to the GP who emailed him, to no avail. A month passed and I called again which at least brought a reply from my GP, and finally an appointment between 2 different hospitals. I don't know who is right and who is wrong.

From all of the information that I read on this condition, I should have had a biopsy and still have not. I have no way of knowing whether the 'cells or tumours' are benign or malignant and what the future holds. I don't know who to believe anymore.

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Response from Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust 8 years ago
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Submitted on 22/07/2016 at 13:04
Published on Care Opinion at 13:50

Thanks for getting in touch. I’m sorry to hear you’re unhappy with the communication and waiting times regarding your appointments. If you want to get in touch with me directly to provide some more detail I can look into this for you. Should you wish to, you can contact me on 0115 9249924 ext. 64127 or email keith.knox@nuh.nhs.uk.

Kind regards,

Keith Knox.

Matron, Head and Neck.

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