"Reaction to complaints"

About: NHS Forth Valley

(as a friend),

It feels to me like Forth Valley NHS will just not respond to complaints at all. When we've followed the NHS complaints procedure, we've waited and waited and then got a response that does not answer the questions, or address the issues raised.  When we tried again to get answers they just don't reply. Despite being told repeatedly by the SPSO (Scottish Public Services Ombudsman) that they must respond to my friend's questions they do not do so. Appalling service, and it feels to me like there is no care for patients if anything goes wrong, and no processes to deal with the aftermath of mistakes. I wonder if their policy is do not answer and maybe the patient and family will be so upset they will go away. I feel that there is terrible complaints handling by very senior staff with no interest in patient wellbeing at all.

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Response from Pauline Donnelly, Person Centred Manager, Department of Nursing, NHS Forth Valley 8 years ago
Pauline Donnelly
Person Centred Manager, Department of Nursing,
NHS Forth Valley
Submitted on 17/08/2016 at 11:43
Published on Care Opinion at 12:11

picture of Pauline Donnelly

Dear JJ4425

Thank you for taking the time to get in touch and leaving feedback about your friend’s recent experience.

I would like to reassure you at NHS Forth Valley we take all complaints very seriously, and follow strict guidelines set out by the Scottish Government (Can I help you? (2012) ) to ensure all complaints received are dealt with professionally, in a timely and Person Centred manner, I was disappointed to hear that this was not your friend’s experience and would like to pass on my apologies.

You highlighted in your posting that the issues your friend raised were not addressed and have been left unanswered. In order for me to carry out a fuller investigation of your concerns I wonder if you would give me the opportunity to investigate, would it be possible for you to get in touch with me on p.marland@nhs.net or alternatively you can call me on 01324 566523.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kindest regards

Pauline Marland

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