"Journey through diagnosis of bowel cancer"

About: Victoria Hospital / Day Intervention Unit Victoria Hospital / General Surgery Victoria Hospital / SEAL (Surgical Elective Admission Lounge)

(as the patient),

My GP referred me on in November 2014 due to some symptoms of bleeding haemorrhoids and diarrhoea. I was initially in spring 2015 at Queen Margaret hospital, Dunferlmine and after history taken I was referred on for a colonoscopy and some treatment for haemorroids. The colonoscopy was carried out in April at the same hospital and a polyp was found and removed. Nothing was said or done about the haemorrhoids.

A month later I was contacted by a nurse from the Victoria hospital, Kirkcaldy and found that the polyp removed was cancerous. I was called back for a further colonoscopy as the surgeon had not marked to site of removal.  A much longer more uncomfortable colonoscopy then took place to look thoroughly to find the site of remove and mark it. I was also x-rayed.

Following discussion I decided to have surgery to remove part of my bowel as the cancer was just outwith the margins and there was a possibility of some spread.

I under went an extended right hemicoloectomy in July 2015. I received excellent care and the operation went well.

The pathology news was good with no spread what so ever, so it was caught very early. I am very grateful that the doctor referred me for the colonoscopy in the first place, otherwise it is likely cancer would not have been detected until much later.

I am concerned that the polyp was not tagged and wonder why this happened? If it had been would I have had a smaller part of my bowel removed?

I do still have problems with haemorrhoids but not further suggestions of treatment for these have been suggested other than medicine to ease diarrhoea.

On the whole I am really glad the polyp was discovered and I received excellent care and treatment at the Victoria hospital.

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Response from Gillian Ogden, Head of Nursing, Planned Care, NHS Fife 8 years ago
Gillian Ogden
Head of Nursing, Planned Care,
NHS Fife
Submitted on 29/08/2016 at 16:52
Published on Care Opinion at 17:17

picture of Gillian Ogden

Dear Wonderer

Thank you for taking the time to post about your journey through bowel cancer. I was sorry to read about your diagnosis and that you had to endure another colonoscopy at an already worrying time.

It was good to read that your care thereafter was excellent and it's great news that you were given the all clear following your surgery.

When we were notified of your post, the Endoscopy Clinical Lead, Mr Cruickshank, phoned me immediately. He agrees that every polyp should be marked and we are keen to do some work round this. We would be grateful for the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your experience in more detail and also to give further advice about the management of your haemorrhoids. If you would find this helpful, please contact me directly on 01592 643355 ext 20148.

I look forward to speaking with you.

Kind regards

Gill Ogden

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