On 24th October, I has advised to go to the Cramlington A&E by my GP, as my bladder was not functioning. I arrived at 6pm in extreme pain and there was a 2 hour wait time, but I was advised that I would be assessed before this. After 45mins a nurse called my name and we discussed what was wrong. The nurse took bloods and blood pressure, by this time the pain was worse, I could hardly walk. they put me in an assessment room and said they needed to do a bladder scan, it took 2 hours! to find a scanner, by this time the pain was unbearable. Around 9.30pm - 10.00PM, they eventually found a scanner and proceeded to treat me. For a hospital of this size, I would of thought they would have access to more than one scanner. On the basis of this experience I will never return, unless it is a serious life threatening issue.
"A&E Service - Cramlington Hospital"
About: Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital Cramlington NE23 6NZ
Posted via nhs.uk
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