"Drug and alcohol services in Barnsley"

About: Phoenix Futures / Barnsley drug and alcohol services

(as a staff member),

It is good to be exploring how Patient Opinion might work in Barnsley so we can get some honest feedback from service users about our addiction services.

It is good to be involved in this exciting service in Barnsley for people with drug and alcohol issues.

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Response from Vikki Padgett, Project Manager - Business and Organisational Development, NHS Barnsley 14 years ago
Vikki Padgett
Project Manager - Business and Organisational Development,
NHS Barnsley
Submitted on 21/05/2010 at 11:46
Published on Care Opinion at 01:00

Thank you for your positive comment. We welcome views from both staff and patients which will be used to inform service development.

Best wishes

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
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