"Unsympathetic treatment at A&E after overdose"

About: Northern General Hospital Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Foundation Trust

(as the patient),

I was taken to A&E a couple of months ago as a result of a small overdose that i had taken. i arrived exceptionally distressed and was treated awfully. I first saw a triage nurse who told me that i had lots in my life to live for, that the overdose that i had taken wouldn't do me any harm, and that there were people far worse off than me. he told me i had no reason to be feeling the way i was and that things in life are hard sometimes you just need to get on with it, i should be thankful for what i have.

After this the Dr that i saw was very friendly and supportive, i was treated in A&E and then admitted to the CMU to await a visit from the mental health crisis team. a few hours later someone from the crisis team came, asked to see another patient who had been admitted just before me, when he refused treatment and decided he didn't want to talk to the crisis team they left. i waited on a rather uncomfortable chair in CMU all night and was finally seen at about 10am the next morning by the crisis team, after the guy who had refused treatment the night before was seen before me.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Mia Bajin, Engagement/Volunteer Manager, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust 14 years ago
Mia Bajin
Engagement/Volunteer Manager,
Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 04/03/2010 at 10:03
Published on Care Opinion on 05/03/2010 at 00:00

picture of Mia Bajin

First of all let me apologise for the delay in responding to your posting on behalf of the trust. We have only recently begun to work with Patient Opinion following their launch earlier this year.

Thank you for you posting. Our trust is only responsible for some of the care you received on this occasion. Its probably too long ago to comment on the specifics but we will take note of some of the really interesting points that you raise in your posting.

Best wishes

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