"First class care at Macclesfield Hospital"

About: Macclesfield District General Hospital / Trauma and orthopaedics

(as the patient),

I have recently been a patient at Macclesfield Hospital. I had been having problems with my shoulder and was unable to use it. As I have poor eye sight and I am 82 years of age this meant that caring for myself was very difficult.

I went into hospital to have an operation on my shoulder and I would like to thank the people who cared for me so wonderfully, especially, Mr Waseen.

After the operation I had a Physiotherapist come to my home regularly and she showed me how to use my shoulder again. I am now free from pain and have full use on my shoulder and I am able to live an independent life again.

I had to go back to the hospital again recently because I had a heart murmur, again the treatment and care was excellent and they gave me the correct medication to help. I have to go for a follow up appointment and this was arranged very quickly.

I do feel that the nurses work very hard and I think that more nurses are needed on the wards. I would like to thank everyone for the care that I received and the on going care that I am receiving.

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Response from 16 years ago
Submitted on 04/02/2008 at 15:15

Thank you for sharing with us your positive experience. It is always very encouraging to hear that our patients are receiving the best possible care and treatment at Macclesfield Hospital.

All patients are reviewed by a Physiotherapist following their Orthopaedic surgery and follow-up treatment is arranged as appropriate on discharge home from the ward. This is usually at your nearby clinic or hospital or can be in your own home.

It is encouraging to read that the hard work of our nurses is appreciated, because our nurses take patient care very seriously. We at Macclesfield Hospital appreciate the hard work and dedication of all our staff across the Trust.

In the National Adult Inpatient Survey 2006 East Cheshire Trust was ranked amongst the best performing 20% of Trusts for the number of patients stating that they felt there were enough nurses on duty to care for them.

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