"Professional and efficient at Children's ward in Rotherham"

About: Rotherham Hospital / Paediatrics

(as the patient),

I stayed at the Rotherham General Hospital on the Children's ward. I had collapsed having had a migraine. It was very professional and they were always efficient. I felt very comfortable. Everyone was really good and co-operative, they treated me with respect and every need was dealt with.

I did feel that the wards could have been a bit more quieter as it was causing some people a bit of distress.

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Response from Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust 17 years ago
Submitted on 18/12/2007 at 09:34

Thank you for your comments, and apologies for the delay in responding.

We are pleased that our staff treated you in the way in which you felt happy with.

We will take on board your comments regarding the noise levels and discuss this with the staff to try and reduce it if possible.

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