"The nurses offered me food before surgery"

About: Pinderfields General Hospital / General surgery

(as the patient),

I was admitted on With appendicitis following transfer from Dewsbury A/E ( who were amazing) on route the ambulance crew said I possibly wasn't going to the ideal ward but there was no beds so had to go assessment. I was rapidly seen by the surgeons who confirmed appendicitis and advised I needed Emergency surgery and would go to theatre that afternoon, this was at 9. 30 in the morning, I was advised not to eat or drink. Despite this there seemed to be no communication with staff as I was offered morning drink, left some soup for lunch and then reposted again in the afternoon, if I had not understood the importance of not eating this could have caused problems.

None of the nursing staff I saw wore name badges you have no idea if they are qualified staff, and have no idea as to priorities of care.

Confidentiality is non existent I know what the other 2 ladies on my ward were in for.

My family became increasingly concerned and asked that I be moved to a side ward which they did. A consultant surgeon came to see me at about 7 the were fantastic and I felt better knowing they were aware I was waiting for theatre as one of the nurses said that it might be good to be given something to eat as they sometimes forget you on the assessment wards. They were clueless.

Eventually at about 11. 00 that night 15 hours after being told I needed emergency surgery I arrived at the theatre doors to be met by a grumpy ODA I guess who was very abrupt I had not been prepped for theatre the paper work for theatre had not been signed, I wasn't wearing anti embolism stockings and I still had my underwear on, I was still in the same attire I had been in in casualty. I forget to mention the member of staff who crashed the bed taking me to theatre at least 10 times and in the lift my husband could clearly smell alcohol? 

All in all you couldn't make this up, I'm not sure where the blame lies but disasters must be happening all the time I'm just glad I wasn't one of them.

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Response from Paul Jepson, Patient Liaison Manager, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust 7 years ago
Paul Jepson
Patient Liaison Manager,
Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Submitted on 20/03/2017 at 16:02
Published on Care Opinion at 20:43

Dear Appendix 1

We are concerned to note your comments and will be pleased to arrange for the matter to be investigated if you would like to contact us directly with apprpriate details.
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Update posted by Appendix1 (the patient)

Please could you explain why the title points have been changed ...

Response from Sarah Ashurst, Associate Director, Service Quality, Care Opinion CIC 7 years ago
Sarah Ashurst
Associate Director, Service Quality,
Care Opinion CIC

I support people to use the Care Opinion website

Submitted on 21/03/2017 at 10:00
Published on Care Opinion at 10:05

picture of Sarah Ashurst

Hi Appendix1

Thank you for getting in touch. My name is Sarah and I am one of the team that runs Patient Opinion. We sometimes need to change the titles of comments to reflect the experiences mentioned. This is to help site users, both the public and NHS staff.

If you are unhappy with this though we can change the title to an alternative that you are happy with, send me an email to team@patientopinion.org.uk (just address your email to Sarah and I will get it) and we can find a version that you are happy with.

Hope this explains things and I am sorry if this has made you unhappy, this was not our intention.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,


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