"Failed by the NHS."

About: Crosshouse Hospital / Gynaecology Crosshouse Hospital / Maternity care

(as the patient),

When I was 18 I attended my gp practice every other week with pain and gynae symptoms. I was ignored. My gp was off, so I was seen by a another gp who referred me straight to gynae.

I underwent my first laparoscopy which showed endometriosis, ovarian torsion and blocked fallopian tubes. I was told I was sub fertile or infertile and that I should try for a baby if thats what I wanted, so I did.

Three years of. No success I underwent another laparoscopy and hormone therapy that put me in a menopause for four months. I fell pregnant.

 I asked for a c section and at that tine was told no unless there was a medical reason so I had to try give birth naturally against my will. Towards my due date in June 2010 my gran whom I was very close with was coming to the end of her 7 year battle with cancer.

I had a huge baby in a tiny body, my gran was dying and I asked a few days before my due date to be induced. I was told no by my midwife. One day before my due date my gran died and never got the chance to meet my baby.

I went back and begged to be induced a few time but it was a no.  I went into labour naturally. I had asked for an epidural as soon as I walked into the building. At 8cm and almost 12 hours later I received my epidural. My baby was far too big for my 5 foot 5, 8 stone frame and while pushing my stomach muscles burst apart with a loud popping noise which made me feel sick.

She got stuck while pushing. I was shoved a consent form to sign under my nose with no idea what I was going for. No discussion or explanation and I was on gas and air as the epidural was one sided so unable to really sign a consent form.

I got taken to theatre were I had a keelans rotation and mid cavity forceps with apeciotomy. I had a 9 pound 6 ounce girl who was 57 cms long. FAR too big for my body. After repair I was put back to the ward. At home my episiotomy button holed at the back and I had some issues.

Since this birth I have had a multitude of problems, chronic constipation which has caused mega colon, an anal sphincter defect from episiotomy, a massive diastasis recti that has not resolved after years of physio, a para umbilical hernia from the abdominal split and now I have a curved spine because I have zero core and cannot use my back muscles in the correct way.

I still have my endometriosis and from pushing out such a big baby I now have urinary and faecal incontinence with an anterior and posterior prolapse. I am in chronic pain with my stomach and back and have limited pain relief due to my constipation. My life has been ruined by not sectioning me when these days I would have been. I have spoken to a medical lawyer as this is a very shortened version and they think I have a case. I want to have my self fixed. Fix what you broke.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Eunice Goodwin, Patient Feedback Manager for NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Quality Improvement and Governance Team, NHS Ayrshire and Arran 7 years ago
Eunice Goodwin
Patient Feedback Manager for NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Quality Improvement and Governance Team,
NHS Ayrshire and Arran

I respond initially to most of the posts and ensure they are passed to the appropriate team whether they are compliments, observations or grumbles. It is important to make sure all issues are addressed and I try to encourage that to happen for all the posts as required.

Submitted on 21/08/2017 at 12:01
Published on Care Opinion at 12:10

picture of Eunice Goodwin

Dear Sharriebabe,

I am so sorry, you certainly have had a tough time of it. I see from your post you are considering legal action, and of course you must do what is right for you.

I wish you all the best,

Take care,


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Response from NHS Ayrshire and Arran 7 years ago
Submitted on 21/08/2017 at 14:34
Published on Care Opinion at 14:52

Dear Sharriebabe,

I was asked by Angela Cunningham, Associate Nurse Director, Women & Children's Services to add this response to you -

Thank you for your post. I note you are in touch with a lawyer and considering legal action. However if you wish a referral to services for an assessment of any of the issues you have mentioned this will be facilitated by your GP.


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