"Medication in home setting"

About: Dunfermline and West Fife Mainstream Home Care and Support Service

(as a relative),

Again I'm at a loss as to how a system, aimed to keep people at home, can stumble with a relatively small change in circumstances.

My 84year old mother has vascular dementia. this condition is impacting on her, her ability to take prescribed medications in tablet form is deteriorating as she now chokes easily and her swallowing is poorer.

No issue, I thought, her significant care package will ensure liquid versions can be given by her fantastically caring carers, who all want the very best for her.

Wrong - unless it's in a nomad it's not an option for carers to assist my mum with her medicines, it's against policy. I understand that and instead directed my question to community nurses - again they have helped out because again they want the very best outcome for my mum however this has been led by the fact she's currently on antibiotics - when these stop they can't continue to administer any liquid medications to my mum they have no capacity.

I've spent hours trying to work with pharmacists both at my GP surgery and local chemists to find alternatives that can be assisted by the carers to ensure my mum gets pain relief etc but this is dictated by the size of the foil around the oral dispersible tablet and whether it fits the nomad.

My point / question is with an ever ageing population within Fife HSCP and a condition, dementia, that will affect a huge number of people moving forward what / how can this issue be addressed.

It was suggested my mum go into a care setting for the duration of her course of antibiotics ....? Not the cost effective solution.

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Response from Fiona McKay, Fife Council (Public Interest Body) 6 years ago
Fiona McKay
Fife Council (Public Interest Body)
Submitted on 22/08/2017 at 12:14
Published on Care Opinion at 12:21

Thank you for your comments and I apologise for the delay in responding. I have discussed the issues you raise with the Pharmacy Service as we recognise that this is a growing issue. They have agreed to look at the issues and consider how best people can be supported with medication prompting. It sounds like you have been speaking to nursing colleagues and pharmacy but there maybe an opportunity to consider a comprehensive review of your mum's prescribed medication, if you wish to consider this please contact me directly on 03451 55 55 55 ext 44 59 78 or by email at Fiona.mckay@fife.gov.uk

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