"I just appreciate they didn't give up on me"

About: One Recovery Bucks / High Wycombe

(as a service user),

I have had problems with alcohol and drug addiction for a long time and all the criminality that goes with it. After losing my brother in law and my father in quick succession I wanted to change the direction my life was going in a

I went to the Oasis centre every day, travelling to Wycombe from Gerrards Cross each day. after 10 or 12 weeks I was asked to go to Stars to continue my treatment. I thought that I would be able to be put on a prescription as soon as I was moved to Stars but the same treatment as from Oasis continued for a few more months.

I understand that it is important that they know a person is serious about wanting to stop their addiction before prescriptions are handed out but I must admit it was disappointing. I carried on going though as I was determined to change my life.

The stealing did not stop straightaway, I was driven to steal food and most of my money was going on bus and train fares to get to Oasis and Stars. I have in the past few weeks had help in getting a bus pass and this had been a great help so maybe this support could have been given earlier.

Another reason I was sometimes forced to steal food was that I'm diabetic and didn't want to keep getting hypos. I did end up in hospital a few times because of this. I was very frustrated by this as I was determined to change my life.

I have now been clean for several months. I recently had a health check where they assessed me fit for work, my GP was amazed.

I still love going to Stars even though the journey there and back often leaves me feeling exhausted, I just appreciate they didn't give up on me. My key worker has been brilliant.

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Response from Tracy Braddock, Service Manager, Inclusion 7 years ago
Tracy Braddock
Service Manager,
Submitted on 14/09/2017 at 20:09
Published on Care Opinion on 15/09/2017 at 09:54

Thanks for you important feedback. Firstly I am really disappointed to hear that it took so long for your needs to be met within our service, that is unacceptable on our part. If you would like to contact me directly please do and I will personally investigate the barriers you experienced accessing to prescribing treatment, as we have strict national guidance / timeframes to adhere to.

It is great to hear that you have since found the service useful and how much your health as improved since you have been sustaining your recovery.

Keep accessing all we have and discuss with your keyworker our new outreach service starting on the 1st October which may better suit your needs.

All the best with your ongoing recovery.


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