I phoned the crisis team in the early hours of the morning. It had already taken me an hour to pluck up the courage to phone. I was very distressed and frightened and didn't know quite what to say or do as my mind was racing. I explained I felt very low and had thoughts to end my life. The Crisis worker was abrupt and the tone of voice gave the impression that they really couldn't be bothered to talk to me in my hour of need. They were quite patronising and made me feel worse. I was assured that someone would call me the following day to arrange an appointment with my psychiatrist. Three days passed and nobody called. It's now the weekend. I'm still in a state of distress but I will always think twice before even contemplating contacting the crisis team again. Every time I've called them in the past I have tended to receive an uncaring and patronising response. This isn't good enough.
"Nottinghamshire County Crisis Team - Highbury Hospital"
About: Highbury Hospital Highbury Hospital Nottingham NG6 9DR Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Nottingham NG3 6AA
Posted by JustAnotherServiceUser (as ),
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