"Discharged with no review"

About: Heartlands Hospital / General surgery

(as a service user),

I came to A&E with severe abdominal pains, was transferred up to ward 5 after 5 hours in A&E and major B; couldn't thank them enough was excellent.

When I arrived on ward 5 I had a fluid drip, first one was taken off on time second one went back to red with my blood until I had to take it off the stand and walk up to the nurses station for them to take it off. Second day surgeon ruled out my appendix but told me to come back in for an ultrasound next day. A couple of hours later I was told I got one booked for 12.00pm same day.

Still in agony and not knowing what it is I went down for my scan, scan results came back clear so they told me the doctor will review and sort out my next options. Came back to ward 5 they told me I can go home as soon as I seen the doctor. I asked numerous times for the staff nurse in charge but was blanked like I didn't exist, I was told I can go home at 13.00 it was now 20.15 and the staff nurse that had been blanking me all day and told me I can't go home until I seen the doctor just told night staff can send me home.

Where was my doctor and I was still in pain. The worse thing was that the nurse seen me and another patient being sick and still didn't even ask if we were ok. I work in healthcare as well but this was just pathetic. Send someone home with severe abdominal pains with no review not anything except 20p paracetamol, this is what we pay taxes for. Shame ward 5. 

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Response from Heartlands Hospital 6 years ago
Heartlands Hospital
Submitted on 10/11/2017 at 08:20
Published on nhs.uk on 11/11/2017 at 03:19

Dear Patient,

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments regarding your admission to A&E and Ward 5 at Heartlands Hospital.

On behalf of Ward 5, please accept our apologies for your experience.

As a team, Ward 5 strive to provide the best possible care; however it is clear from your posting that on this occasion, this did not happen.

I appreciate that we are unable to change your experience; however if you would be willing to provide further details such as your name, address and date of birth, as a Trust, we would welcome the opportunity to review your care.

You can do this by contacting a member of the Patient Services Team on 0121 424 0808 or you can email your concerns to

bhs-tr.Complaints-ConcernsandCompliments@nhs.net who can then take the necessary action.

If you do contact our team, can I please ask you to advise the member of staff that you are responding to your NHS Choices Posting.

I will forward your posting to the Senior Management team for A&E so they are aware of your positive experience.

In addition, I will forward your email to the Senior Nursing and Medical Teams for Ward 5, so they are aware of your comments.

Once again, thank you for your positive, as all feedback from our patients is very important to us.

Yours sincerely

Miss J. Langham

Patient Services Officer

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